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Peer Support & Communities

No one understands better than us - the patients and their families - what it is like to live with SDS. There is no substitute for the support we can offer each other as patients and families who "have been there" or are "in the thick of it". Compassionate patients and families are available day and night to support those who need it - be it patients and families newly diagnosed, going through a crisis, or ready to take action to improve outcomes. We have created several resources to facilitate peer support. In addition, you can find a list of official national nonprofits focused on SDS patient support, below.

 New:  Monthly Virtual Community Calls: Sundays, 3pm ET

(12pm Los Angeles, 3pm New York, 8pm London, 9pm Paris)

Register at

Global SDS Family Coffee Chat logo with coffee cups and DNA by Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Alliance
Office Hours Eszter Hars by Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Alliance
Are you new to the SDS community?
Do you need help understanding SDS or what we are doing about it?
Would you like to connect with us about anything SDS-related?


Schedule a one-on-one call with me today!
(We cannot give medical advice, but are happy to discuss anything else and point you to the right resources).

SDS Alliance Community Connection Resources


We have a private Facebook group for SDS families and their close supporters, who are interested in honest, mindful, and proactive discussions about SDS, the latest research, and opportunities to get involved and make a difference, called the ACTION TEAM Facebook group. Please join if you would like to get involved.

FB Action Team by Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Alliance

We also have Facebook support groups that are focused on certain regions (e.g. Latin America), languages  (e.g French), and demographics (e.g. adult SDS patients). Please reach out to us if you would like to get connected.

Other Community Resources


We maintain a list of SDS-focused country-specific registered charities in order to support patients everywhere. See them listed alphabetically by country in the table below.


Don't see YOUR country represented? We can help you set up a group and even host a simple info page to help serve YOUR community. Contact us!

SDS Canada logo
SDS Canada logo
SDS Canada logo
SDS Canada logo
SDS Canada logo
United Kingdom
SDS Canada logo
United States
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